The skin of your hands can develop warts due to an infection stemming from the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus causes the production of an excess amount of keratin — a hard protein — to form in the top skin layer (epidermis), developing the rough, hard texture of a wart.
Warts have the appearance of a small lump or raised growth. They are firm, round, greyish-white or light brown in colour and can look like a tiny cauliflower. Common warts are benign and usually asymptomatic but sometimes cause mild pain when located on a weight-bearing surface.
Warts on the hands can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but in most cases they are not cancerous.
Although common warts are usually harmless, they can easily be transmitted by touch. Therefore, it’s important to have them treated immediately to avoid them spreading to other parts of your hands or body.
SWIFT® Microwave Therapy for Warts in Hands
How does SWIFT® Microwave Therapy Work?
SWIFT® Microwave Therapy is a non-invasive, simple treatment.
We will start by cleaning the warts on your hands and removing any excess hard skin that may have formed on the top.
We will then proceed to treat warts with SWIFT® Microwave Therapy. With the aid of a hand-held probe, we will direct a precise, highly controlled dose of microwave energy to the wart. When the microwave energy gets in contact with the affected tissue, the temperature of the tissue is elevated, destroying the diseased cells. This process triggers your body’s immune system, which will automatically start self-healing by repairing the tissue and generating new healthy cells and, as a result, skin.
In most instances, we do a minimum of four zaps per wart.
SWIFT® Microwave Therapy doesn’t require local anaesthesia or dressing. Most clients find the treatment quite bearable and describe the feeling of the energy beam as a slight sharp pain that compares to a quick needle shot.
After the procedure, you may find the treated area feels a bit tender, but this shouldn’t prevent you from continuing your normal activities.
SWIFT® Microwave Therapy involves more than one session to achieve healing. The number of sessions needed will vary depending on your warts and how your body responds to the treatment. Most clients need a minimum of three sessions with an interval of four weeks in between them.
Most importantly, SWIFT® offers an 86% success rate over other most traditional wart treatments, with no aftercare needed or unwanted side effects.
When is SWIFT® Microwave Therapy not suitable for warts in hands?
- Any metal pins, plates or replacement joints in your foot or ankle
- Heart problems and wear a pacemaker
- Neuropathy (nerve damage) in the feet
- Very poor circulation
- Your body doesn’t heal very well
- Diabetes, but only when it is low risk and you have good circulation and sensations in your limbs
- Immunosuppressive drugs, from cancer treatment or rheumatoid arthritis because they lower the immunity
- Insensibility to pain; in this instance, you may have to give you analgesics
- Children under the age of 10
- Pregnant or breastfeeding as your immune system heightens and lowers during this time to protect both mother and fetus. SWIFT® might be safe, but the results might not be as successful as your body may not promote its own repair.