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SWIFT Wart Treatment | Best Wart Removal Treatment | Say Goodbye To Warts

SWIFT Microwave Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Wart Treatment on Hands

Warts on the hands, often caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), can be uncomfortable and unsightly. SWIFT Microwave Therapy, a state-of-the-art treatment developed in the UK, introduces a cutting-edge solution for warts and skin lesions.

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Callen Olive Podiatry Chiropody Clinic Berkhamsted near Hemel Hempstead and Tring. best treatment for warts  wart removal best wart treatment get rid of wart SWIFT wart treatment

Let's delve into the details of how this innovative therapy works:

Understanding Warts on Hands:

  • Appearance: Warts on hands appear as firm, raised growths, resembling tiny cauliflowers, with a rough, hard texture
  • Symptoms: While usually benign and asymptomatic, common warts can sometimes cause mild pain, especially when located on around the nails, cuticles and tips of fingers

SWIFT Microwave Therapy Procedure:

  • Assessment: An initial assessment is conducted to evaluate the severity of the warts and formulate a personalised treatment plan
  • Preparation: The warts and any excess hard skin are meticulously cleaned to prepare for the treatment
  • Microwave Treatment: SWIFT Microwave Therapy is a non-invasive and straightforward procedure. A hand-held probe is used to deliver a precise, controlled dose of microwave energy to the wart
  • Immune System Activation: The elevated temperature from the
    microwave energy destroys diseased cells and triggers the body's immune system. This activation initiates the self-healing process, leading to tissue repair and the generation of new healthy cells and skin

SWIFT Verruca Treatment - How it works

Callen Olive Podiatry Chiropody Clinic Berkhamsted near Hemel Hempstead and Tring. best treatment for warts  wart removal best wart treatment get rid of wart SWIFT wart treatment

SWIFT Microwave Therapy FAQs:

  • Number of Sessions: Typically, a minimum of four treatment sessions is recommended, with intervals of four weeks between sessions. If severe infection is present, more treatments will likely be needed
  • Sensation: Most clients find the treatment bearable, describing the sensation as a slight sharp pain comparable to a quick needle shot. Local anesthesia or dressing is not required
  • Aftercare: The treated area may feel tender after the procedure, but this discomfort should not hinder normal activities
  • Success Rate: SWIFT boasts an impressive 86% success rate over other traditional wart treatments, with no need for aftercare and minimal risk of side effects
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Considerations for SWIFT Microwave Therapy:

  • Pain: The short-lived sensations during the procedure are generally well-tolerated, allowing clients to resume daily activities immediately
  • Sessions Needed: The number of sessions varies depending on
    individual responses to treatment

    SWIFT Microwave Therapy emerges as a groundbreaking and highly effective solution for individuals seeking to eliminate warts on their hands. With its minimal discomfort, impressive success rate, and absence of aftercare requirements, SWIFT wart treatment redefines the landscape of wart treatments, providing a modern and efficient approach to address this common skin condition.